USPS Tries Again for Direct Mail Incentives
November 4, 2010

In a filing with the Postal Regulatory Commission yesterday, the U.S. Postal Service asked for volume discounts and free additional weight incentives for direct mailers that, if approved, would be introduced in January. The pair of incentives was originally part of the exigent rate case that was cut down.

Email: First Impressions
November 4, 2010

Direct marketers are much like the town criers of yesteryear. In days of yore, a crier would stand on a street corner with a bell in hand and shout the news for all to hear. Today, unsophisticated marketers use a bullhorn to spread the word and hope that they're casting a wide enough net.

Cotton Clothing Price Tags to Rise
November 4, 2010

Synthetic linings. Smaller buttons. Less Italian fabric. And yes, even more polyester. Unusually high cotton prices have apparel makers scrambling to keep down costs, but consumers be warned: cotton clothing will be getting more expensive.

Are You Targeting the Right Niche?
November 4, 2010

Some companies feel that they need to send out a number of promotional materials and marketing messages in order to gain the attention of their customers. If you aren't targeting the right niche market, you could end up causing a number of problems for your business.

TSC Apparel Announces the Gildan Gadget Giveaway
November 4, 2010

During November, Cincinnati-based TSC Apparel is running a sales promotion based on purchases of Gildan fleece from TSC Apparel.  At the end of the month, customer purchases of Gildan fleece will be accumulated and TSC Apparel will award the prizes

Rice Study Looks at Marketing Benefits, Pitfalls of Customer-Satisfaction Surveys
November 4, 2010

Though designed to enhance customer experiences, post-service customer surveys might actually harm a business' relationships with consumers, according to new research by Houston-based Rice University professors. The research team found that customers who participate in firm-sponsored surveys delay doing repeat business with that company.