Hopkins Minn.

On Friday December 11, 2009 River’s End Trading Company, Hopkins Minn., signed a letter of intent to acquire the rights to Page & Tuttle and license the Forsyth brand for the promotional products and golf industry in the United States.

THE COLOR GREEN has always been closely linked to golf. There’s the deeply colored grass blanketing golf courses, often reputed to be reason enough for golfers to haul irons over hills, if just to practice their swing. There are the lucrative business deals made on the course and in the clubhouse, or the state of being “green with envy” for the wealth which hovers as closely to the sport’s reputation as an overzealous caddy might to his or her golfers. Golf’s many connections to the color green shouldn’t only tempt its players, though—a few facts make a strong financial case for the success of

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